Why to write?

The most elusive subject for everyone. Writing. The better we find the answer to fight against the oppression that takes place within our hearts, the more we delve deep into the the area for reality. Writing is  something that transcends above the existent literary norms, the society conditions, and how well we introspect a subject and feel ourselves deep into it.

You have no justification for expressing your own thought, or narrate someone else’s, or just account for someone’s experiences. You just juxtapose one word with another and bring out a something that can be preserved for going through it whenever one can. However, to simplify the subject as to what to write about, and how to go about it is one subject in itself since there is a lot to write about. But the oppression it meets with the heart as to what prevails in reality and what we interpret it as, cannot be defeated easily. Reality self-designs itself, and it is in extremes. It also occurs that you cannot be honest or unprejudiced about writing, unless you live it yourself. Looking at the reality through someone else’s eye is unfathomable, and it has its reasons. Also, putting up the reality as a view from the third eye is mighty. If something is real, its absoluteness establishes itself at once.  It does not recur. Its a perplexed line of thought we hesitate to follow and blame literature for it. This, is wrong. Literature supports it, enhances it. Literature cannot affect reality.

The trench deepens. Are we supposed to be enveloped into confusion and do not ink our pens when mind keeps generating words for thoughts? Or, are we supposed to express the dilemma first, inhale it, and fight with the oppression within our hearts ?

Do we need to rise up above everything to write?Image

2 thoughts on “Why to write?

  1. rajesh says:

    Nicely Written! But I think one can not write in abstract !! it is difficult to be extremely objective and write ….!

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